Unlocking Network Strength: A Lead Generation Tool for NetworkIntel

Empowering payers, driving engagement.

June 2023 - August 2023

Table of Contents

My Role

My multifaceted role as a lead UX designer and full stack developer was instrumental in driving the success of the NetworkIntel™ project. By seamlessly integrating user-centric design principles with robust backend development, I created a powerful web application that not only showcased provider network scores but also served as a potent lead generation tool for HealthWorksAI.

1. UX Responsibilities:

Designed the entire landing page: This included creating a visually appealing layout with a banner image, a user-friendly live search bar with combo box functionality, a clear form for Bid-ID input and score calculation, and an informative result section displaying network score, average score comparison, and enrollment details.

Implemented a seamless user experience: I leveraged AJAX technology to enable live search results and dynamic score display without page reloads, enhancing responsiveness and user satisfaction.

Prioritized user-centered principles: Focused on creating an intuitive and efficient experience for users interacting with the app.

2. Full Stack Responsibilities:

Utilized a combination of technologies: Implemented the app using PHP, HTML, CSS, and MySQL, along with other relevant tools.

Technical considerations: Incorporated the search limit and designed the "Limit Reached" page, ensuring functionalities for lead capture and user experience.

Project Summary: Revamp HealthWorksAI Product Page

1. Objective

Empower payers in the Medicare Advantage market to assess the strength of their provider networks, ultimately improving their ability to attract and retain members.

2. Goals

3. Scope

4. Success Criteria:

The Challenge

The "Provider Network Score" application faced several key challenges during development:

1. Balancing User Needs with Business Goals

Designing a free tool that offered valuable insights to payers (user need) while also encouraging them to explore the full NetworkIntel platform (business goal).

2. Simplifying Complex Data

Presenting a single, easy-to-understand network score required effectively summarizing a wealth of complex data points behind the scenes.

3. Encouraging User Exploration

Finding the right balance between providing immediate value and prompting users to delve deeper into the NetworkIntel platform beyond the free tool.

4. Lead Capture within Ethical Boundaries

Capturing valuable lead information (work emails) through the "Limit Reached" page while ensuring a user-friendly experience and avoiding overly aggressive tactics.

These challenges demanded creative solutions that prioritized user experience while meeting business objectives. The success of the "Provider Network Score" application lies in its ability to overcome these hurdles and deliver a valuable tool that benefits both payers and the NetworkIntel platform.


The "Provider Network Score" application addressed the key challenges through innovative design and technical solutions:

1. Balancing User Needs and Business Goals

2. Simplifying Complex Data:

3. Encouraging User Exploration:

4. Lead Capture within Ethical Boundaries:

These solutions effectively balanced user experience with business goals, resulting in a valuable tool that empowers payers while driving interest in the full NetworkIntel platform.

Project Deep Dive

The "Provider Network Score" application, a unique offering from HealthWorksAI, prioritized user-centered design principles from the outset. This section delves into the research conducted to ensure the application effectively addressed user needs and achieved its goals.

1. Research

a. Competitive Audit

Given the groundbreaking nature of the "Provider Network Score" application, a traditional competitive audit wasn't applicable. However, we conducted extensive research to understand the broader landscape of provider network assessment within the Medicare Advantage market.

This research focused on:

b. User Research

User feedback played a crucial role in shaping the user experience and functionalities of the application. This was achieved through:

The insights gained from user research helped to:

2. Plan

a. User Persona & Empathy Map

b. User Flow

The user flow for the "Provider Network Score" application is designed for simplicity and efficiency. Users enter a plan's Bid-ID to initiate a search. A clear and visually appealing network score is displayed, along with additional details like enrollment data for benchmarking. Users can explore score details or request a demo of the NetworkIntel platform for deeper analysis. A strategic search limit, if implemented, encourages users to explore the full platform's capabilities while still offering the option to continue searching within the free tool.

3. Design

a. Low-Fidelity Wireframes

b. High-Fidelity Wireframes

c. Information Architecture

The information architecture (IA) for the "Provider Network Score" application is designed for simplicity. Users find a prominent search bar on the homepage to initiate their journey. Search results prioritize a clear network score visualization with limited options for further exploration of details, reports, or the full NetworkIntel platform. This streamlined structure ensures a focused and efficient user experience.

4. Analyze

a. KPIs


The initial launch of the Provider Network Score application offers valuable insights into the user experience (UX) and its effectiveness in achieving user goals. Here are some key takeaways and areas for reflection from a UX perspective:

Positive UX Findings:

Areas for UX Improvement:

Overall, the Provider Network Score application demonstrates a strong foundation for an effective UX. However, incorporating user feedback and data-driven insights will be crucial for further optimizing the user experience and maximizing user satisfaction. By addressing the areas for improvement and focusing on delivering deeper value and exploration opportunities, the application can continue to play a key role in promoting the NetworkIntel platform.

Project Next Steps

Enhancing User Experience (UX):

By implementing these next steps, the Provider Network Score application can evolve into a more powerful tool that not only delivers network scores but also fosters user engagement and drives user adoption of the full NetworkIntel platform. The focus on continuous improvement through user feedback, data analysis, and strategic marketing efforts will ensure the application's long-term success.

Lessons Learned

The launch of the Provider Network Score application provided valuable lessons that can be applied to future projects and inform the ongoing development of the NetworkIntel platform. Here are some key takeaways:

1. Importance of User Research:

Starting with a clear understanding of user needs and pain points is crucial. While the initial focus on a simple network score resonated with users, deeper insights from user research (e.g., interviews, surveys) can guide the development of future functionalities that cater to user goals and promote engagement.

2. Focus on Data & Analytics:

Implementing analytics tools from the outset provides valuable data on user behavior and app usage. This data can be used to identify areas for improvement, optimize the user experience, and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Leveraging user data for personalization can further enhance the user experience by tailoring content and recommendations based on user searches and network scores.

3. Building for Scalability:

Designing a modular user interface and a well-defined information architecture allows for seamless integration of new features and functionalities. This ensures the application can adapt and grow as user needs evolve.

4. Value of User Testing & Iteration:

The initial launch provided a strong foundation, but ongoing user testing and iteration cycles are vital for continued improvement. A/B testing different user flows, call-to-actions, and content can help identify the most effective ways to guide users and achieve desired outcomes.

5. Content Marketing & Thought Leadership:

Developing informative content related to network scores and healthcare provider selection can establish the NetworkIntel platform as a thought leader in the industry. This content can attract potential users to the application and showcase the platform's value proposition.

6. Planning for Growth:

Targeted user acquisition strategies like digital marketing campaigns can effectively reach the intended audience. Highlighting the value proposition of the free app and its ability to provide valuable network score data will drive user acquisition and platform adoption.

By incorporating these lessons learned, future iterations of the Provider Network Score application and the NetworkIntel platform can be optimized for user needs, deliver a more engaging experience, and achieve greater success in the marketplace. The focus on continuous learning, data-driven decision-making, and user-centric innovation will be instrumental in the platform's ongoing growth and evolution.