HealthWorksAI: UX Revamp Boosts Engagement

Data-driven design drives results.

December 2022 - February 2023

Table of Contents

My Role

I spearheaded the redesign of HealthWorksAI's product page, including MarketIntel, ProductIntel, and NetworkIntel. From initial concept to final implementation, I led the entire UX/UI process, ensuring a seamless user experience and intuitive interface.

Project Summary: Revamp HealthWorksAI Product Page

1. Objective

Enhance the online presence and lead generation for a specific HealthWorksAI product (MarketIntel, ProductIntel, or NetworkIntel).

2. Goals

3. Scope

4. Success Criteria:

5. Results of Previous Iteration:

These positive outcomes from the previous iteration provide a strong foundation for further improvements and continuous optimization of the HealthWorksAI product pages.

The Challenge

1. Balancing Transparency and Confidentiality

2. Limited User Research and A/B Testing

3. Marketing Challenges

4. Targeting a Niche Market

Addressing these combined challenges requires a strategic approach that prioritizes confidentiality while effectively communicating the product's value proposition to your specific target audience.


1. Focus on Benefits

Shift the focus to highlighting the benefits and value the dashboards deliver to users.

2. Alternative Representations

Utilize creative ways to represent the dashboards:

3. Targeted Content and Messaging

Tailor content and messaging to different audience segments:

4. Marketing to a Niche Market

Targeted Content Marketing: Create high-quality content that specifically addresses the pain points and challenges faced by your niche audience.

Industry Events and Partnerships: Participate in industry events and conferences frequented by your target audience.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM): Due to the small target market size, consider implementing an ABM strategy.

Project Deep Dive

1. Research

a. Competitive Audit

Evaluation Criteria:

b. User Feedback

• Wants specifics on how MarketIntel addresses Medicare Advantage challenges.
• Prefers anonymized data visualizations or case studies for proof of concept.
• Wants clearer CTAs like "request a demo" or "download white paper".

• Needs info on how ProductIntel improves clinical decision-making and patient outcomes.
• Wants a way to contact sales or request a consultation.

• Wants to know how NetworkIntel addresses specific network challenges.
• Interested in cost-effectiveness compared to other solutions.
• Missing pricing information on the page.

• Confusing: Struggles to understand the overall value proposition of the product.
• Needs visuals: Prefers clearer graphics or walkthroughs to visualize functionalities.
• Call to action: Wants a strong, single CTA that guides them towards the next step (e.g., "Learn More").

2. Plan

a. User Personas

b. HealthWorksAI User Flow

The HealthWorksAI website guides users through a streamlined flow. Visitors land on a captivating homepage with a clear value proposition. They can explore various resources like webinars and insights, or delve deeper into specific products like MarketIntel or NetworkIntel within the "Our Solutions" section. The "Careers" section caters to potential employees, while the "Request a Demo" option allows users to initiate the conversion process by scheduling a personalized product demonstration.

3. Design

a. Low-Fidelity Wireframes

b. High-Fidelity Wireframes

c. Information Architecture

The HealthWorksAI website utilizes a clear information architecture. The homepage serves as a hub, offering an overview and key functionalities. Users can explore deeper through "Resources" for educational content and "Our Solutions" for specific products like MarketIntel. This logical structure guides users efficiently, ultimately facilitating conversions through the "Request a Demo" option.

4. Analyze

a. KPIs

b. Test Cases


Overall, the implementation of the new product page design has been a success. The data from various test cases and user feedback confirms the following:

1. Improved User Experience (UX)

Users find the new page easier to navigate and understand, completing tasks efficiently and providing positive feedback on the layout and intuitiveness.

2. Increased Conversion Rates

Key metrics like average time spent on page, page views per visit, and scroll depth have all seen significant improvements, indicating users are engaging more deeply with the content.

3. Actionable Insights for Further Optimization

While the overall performance is positive, user feedback and data analysis from heatmaps and session recordings have revealed areas for further optimization, such as improving the visibility of specific information sections.

These findings highlight the importance of investing in well-designed product pages. By prioritizing user experience, clear communication, and addressing user needs, businesses can create pages that not only inform but also convert visitors into valuable leads.


Project Next Steps

1. Polish the new page and plan for future updates:

2. Stay informed and iterate:

3. Spread the good work and collaborate:

Lessons Learned

The successful redesign of the product page has yielded valuable lessons:

1. User-centricity is key:

Prioritizing user experience (UX) through clear communication, addressing user needs, and A/B testing led to increased engagement and conversions.

2. Data-driven decisions are essential:

Utilizing data from test cases, analytics, and user feedback enabled informed decision-making throughout the process.

3. Continuous improvement is crucial:

By regularly monitoring user behavior, gathering feedback, and analyzing performance, the page can be continuously optimized for long-term success.

4. Collaboration fosters innovation:

Effective communication and collaboration between design, development, and content teams ensure a unified vision and successful execution.

5. Celebrate achievements:

Recognizing the team's efforts and celebrating successes promotes a positive and collaborative work environment.